FAQ: Common issues

Frequently Asked Questions for ASP.NET Core 3.1

This happens when cmd.exe is running as a 32-bit process. You can install the 32-bit version of the ASP.NET Core 3.1 SDK in order to use the dotnet command in your command line tool of choice.
This is most likely because there is no localhost certificate available on your computer or the one installed has not been marked trusted yet. You can run dotnet dev-certs https --trust in an elevated command prompt to enable trust on the development certificate.
You can follow the instructions shown on the page and click the big blue button that says: Apply migration. This will initialize your database platform with the necessary tables to allow you to create and authenticate users.
This means that the preconfigured user does not exist (yet) in your local database. You can go ahead to the Register page to create the user and afterwards you should be able to login with the pre-filled credentials to enter the main website.
Typically most websites will have StaticFiles enabled and this would allow the files to be downloaded. All files that should be accesible by your visitors is served from the wwwroot directory; the navigation sources do not qualify for this as the file is assumed to be of temporary nature. Furthermore it exists mainly for demo purposes as the assumption is made that you would most likely add the ability to generate a dynamic menu from other data sources, such as a database.

First and foremost, this project is not meant to serve as a 1-in-all solution for your project start to finish. It was built and structured in such a way that it can be used as a starting point based on the set of features that speak the most to your intent and purpose (Please see the Editions page to help you decide).

While we certainly understand your frustration when a specific feature you were looking forward to is not included, we also assume you yourself are perfectly capable of expanding the features of your project over time.
If and when a new update happens to include the feature you were (patiently) waiting for, great!
Still not added to the project? What?! Don't worry :-) Feel free to let us know on the Supports Forum so we track the interest and see about getting it added in the next version of the template.